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Hello my beautiful happy friends! I am Stella Frances the founder of the find your happy coaching program, and I am your online life Coach. These are some reflections for the thanksgiving holiday. A story about being grateful for our blessings from your online life coach When Vida the vine realized there were big changes […]
How often have you wanted to say something at work, but held back because you were worried about the consequences or unsure of what to say? Maybe you were afraid of stirring up a conflict or losing your job. Maybe you were just discouraged by the idea that your input wouldn’t make a difference. You’re […]
I know I am on the right track when my mind is clear and calm. These are some of the things that help me move towards tranquility. I meditate each day. I create a quiet space in my home where I can sit and reflect. I focus on my breath and explore my thoughts. I […]
“He who knows others is wise; he who knows himself is enlightened” ― Lao Tzu Great insight into who you are today can be gained from looking at who you used to be. Your present is the result of your past, just as your future is determined by the beliefs, thoughts, and actions that are […]
Martin Luther King Jr. Mahatma Gandhi. Abraham Lincoln. All of these men were great leaders that brought incredible and lasting change in the world. What is something else they all had in common? They all were great motivators who rallied people towards meaningful action. Let’s face it, the amount each of us can accomplish on […]
It’s true that most people live lives of quiet desperation. Majority of those people are filled with regret in the end. Leaving too many things undone and failed to live life enthusiastically or with little purpose are common regrets. If one wants to live a fulfilling life, a life worthy of admiration, it’s important to […]
Are you aware of all the talents and skills you possess? Unless you have spent many hours thinking about this exact question, chances are there are many talents and skills that have eluded your awareness and that’s ok, because with just a little bit of digging you can discover them. Try these techniques to bring […]
Do you want to be stronger and happier? Do you fall short of reaching your goals and don’t know why? Do you want to live life to the fullest and make every day count? Love yourself more. Loving yourself gives you the confidence and strength to reach your goals. You will be more content because […]
Even if I take a wrong turn, I can find another route to success. If I steer my vessel in the wrong direction, I can find a map and chart out a new course. Stopping is not an option. I will find my way as long as I keep my eyes on the prize. Success […]
Re-Connect with Your Passions & Come Alive Again Sometimes, life can feel a little bit like you’re just trying to survive. If you come home from work every day feeling tired and listless only to lie on the couch and if you are constantly stressed and aggravated while you’re at work… then what is it that you’re […]