Once Upon A Time

In a Faraway Land

I was born into an amazing family in Athens, Greece and blessed with two loving, caring parents who struggled with their own cultural imprints and societal conditioning.

My dad was an extraordinary man with a beautiful mind. In my young eyes, he was successful. He had an exciting life and kept very busy. Never one to slow down, he enjoyed racing Italian cars and built strong wooden boats.  

On mornings we missed the school bus, he would drive my sister and me really fast. I loved it, but it gave my sister such a fright!  Though he knew a lot of people, he was very lonely. He passed away when I was 16, but his passion for life, cars, boats, and curiosity lives on in me. 

My mom devoted her life to the success of her family. I, for the most part, sensed a sadness in her eyes and a longing in her words for a dream of being a doctor that was never realized. But she was magic.

Mom made a house feel like a real home – warm, bright, and nurturing. I inherited a great love of books, knowledge, theater, and opera from my mother.

Mom and I on the island of Samos

My talented little sister painted like Michelangelo and while car racing was never a priority in her life, she did marry a dashing man that races fast cars in the USA.

And as for me, I spent my childhood in a 10-year brace treatment for Scoliosis. I read anything I could lay my hands on, except for some of the school books. I was fascinated by life, the world, and people. On my quest to learn as much as possible about my two passions in life, life and people, I read countless books on philosophy and psychology.

Then I grew up. After my dad passed, attending psychology school in Switzerland became a dream on hold. I eventually moved to London where I fell in love and married a boy. We were young and I loved him dearly, but it was overshadowed by a deep depression that had been brewing in me. Finally, I exploded. I attempted to take my life and, thankfully, was unsuccessful. I went on to battle that major depression until, much later down the road, I was able to manage it with medication.

Though my home life left much to be desired, my social and professional life blossomed. Even with unemployment at its highest rate in the UK, I always found work to the amazement of my British friends. The friends and money came easy to me, perhaps because of the traits I inherited from my mother and father, but I felt something missing and I couldn’t help but go searching for the elusive “it”. And I wasn’t the only one. I often traveled to other countries in Europe and no matter who I connected with, I felt the same overwhelming sense of searching from them as well.

Still, life in London was great and I excelled in sales in the corporate sector. When I moved to New York, some years later, I rediscovered my passion for reading. I studied technology, received a degree, and became a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer in just under three years as a single mom.

Let’s Delve Deeper

How I really got my super powers…

If you’d like to read about my past and present adventures, you can click on the following links: